
Pain has a purpose when it is related to a new injury or problem. Paying attention to it is helpful because it is the body’s signal saying that something is not quite right. After getting a medical diagnosis and the problem has healed – or not – sometimes the only option left is pain relief. A technique called “OldPain2Go” may be very helpful.


As a registered OldPain2Go practitioner, Kathy will ask you some questions about your pain, and seek to access your unconscious and conscious mind, acting as a mediator.  This technique is a simple practice that will turn off your pain or turn it down. This is not trance or hypnosis.

The messages of old pain should have died off long ago, but the brain keeps trying to find an answer for it when there isn’t an answer. As a trained practitioner I’ll help you access the program that is going wrong, and help switch it off, and replace it with a better version, it really is that simple. This treatment is completely safe, and you have nothing to lose but your pain!

  • OldPain2Go
