Get a natural “Facelift” in an hour

Check out this article published by Dacy Knight on Byrdie. 

Bach Flower remedies – The Key To Wellness and Healing

Learn about how Bach Flower remedies can help protect your wellbeing, mind and body.

The Blend Fascial Facial®

This treatment incorporates the innovative use of fascia techniques aimed at lifting and smoothing the skin, without the need for expensive product, harsh chemical peels, or machinery.

Why is massage good for you?

Using massage therapy is an excellent way to pamper yourself or to help the body more quickly recover from body aches or help aid issues such as illness or negative emotions. Massage appears to increase the feel good hormones serotonin and dopamine, which improves your mood and makes you feel good mentally. Some studies have [...]

Unleash the power of the Bach flower

Have you ever heard of using Bach flowers for emotional support and wondered what they do or how to use them? Perhaps you have seen them in the health foods shops. Do you know the difference between buying your own remedies off-the-shelf versus seeing a qualified Bach flower practitioner? These delicate flowers yield powerful results! [...]

Benefits of Massage

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, then high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing this stress, which translates into: Content provided by Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals - ABMP Decreased anxiety Enhanced sleep quality Greater energy Improved concentration Increased [...]