Sharon Wheeler’s Scar Work
I am delighted offer my clients a new therapy for tissue rejuvenation. Sharon Wheeler’s scar work is a remarkable modality. It is light, casual, and effective on most scars. When working with the scar tissue, it is likened to speaking another language with the body. Clients have reported how relaxing the treatment is and they find the physical results to lead to an emotionally freeing feeling as well. Holes can be filled in permanently. Even lumps and bumps can be smoothed out, permanently and painlessly.
By re-establishing the resilient 3-D quality of the fascial web, it creates better functioning with the restrictions and adhesions of a scar. Impaired nerves can regain sensation and internal organ functions can normalize. The cosmetic affect can be astounding!
Sharon Wheeler is the creator of this work, through years of dedication and treating people with scars she came up with this amazing and groundbreaking, painless technique. I plan on bringing more of her amazing work and techniques into my practice in the not too distant future.
60 Minutes
90 Minutes